Ctalk is a class for use with THINK C 4.0x. It provides access to speech on Macintosh. One needs MacinTalk file in System folder in order for CTalk to work. One can ftp it from rascal.ics.utexas.edu.
Original version of MacinTalk access for THINK C is by Peter Kaplan. I’d like to thank him for SpeechLib.asm. He made some mistakes, so that an application would hung if there is no MacinTalk in System folder. One mistake is
if(speechFlag=TRUE) {do talking}
should be
if(speeachFlag==TRUE) {do talking}
Besides CTalk is a class. ( if you don’t like that then just remove class definition from Ctalk.h making instance variables statics ones and remove all occurrences of “CTalk::” )
Methods are easy to learn and are documented in the file CTalk.c. Sample project is included to show how to use CTalk.
Note: CTalk is distributed as CreditWare. If you are using it then give me a little credit in About box and send me your application. (but if you really like it then you might consider a postcard...)